At Windsor High School students have the opportunity to study Music as a part of their academic program at all levels.
Our music facilities include two Music rooms, a full class complement of keyboards and guitars, a rehearsal room and a Music Technology laboratory.
In Years 7 and 8, students study the Mandatory course. They learn skills in performing, composing and listening through studies in Music, Instruments, Music of Other Cultures, Popular Music and Music in the Media. They also learn the basics of guitar and keyboard in Year 7 and specialise on one of these instruments in Year 8.
In Years 9 and 10, students study the Board of Studies Additional Music course and refine their ability to listen, perform and compose.
Topics covered include:
- Film Music
Song writing
Music Technology
Music of The 20th Century
Music of Other Cultures
Rock and Popular Music
Australian Music
Students who study Music for their HSC choose the Music 1 course. In this course students further develop their understanding of musical concepts including duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive techniques, tone colour, texture and structure; experiences in performance, composition, musicology and aural provide the context for their learning.
In Music 1 students study six topics over two years to develop their understanding of the concepts of music. In the HSC examination all students will perform at least one piece and choose three electives from performance, composition and musicology.
Students may choose from the following topics:
Rock Music
Popular Music
Theatre Music
Australian Music
Music Of a Culture
An Instrument and It's Repertoire
Technology and Its Influence On Music
Music for Radio, Film, Television and Multi-Media
Music education at Windosr High School incorporates both the practices of playing instruments and vocals, and music theory. Students begin by learning the fundamentals of music and then later on in elective music graduate to instruments compatible with their individual needs.
In Music students are provided with the opportunity to build on their knowledge, through performing, listening and composing. Students continue to develop instrumental skills, experiencing a range of instruments and varying styles of music.
We also ensure students develop performance practice, teaching them to perform in a professional manner.
Technology is embedded in each Music course in Stages 4 – 6, and students experience creative and arranging activities involving the use of software, Google classroom and the internet.
Teaching classrooms rooms contain, stereo systems, percussion keyboard and guitar sets. There are two additional practice rooms containing keyboards and drum kits.
Stage 4 and 5
In Stage 4, Year 7 and 8 undertake semester courses over two terms. Student workbooks are issued and these contain complete units of work on a variety of musical styles and integrate the concepts of music. There is regular homework and students undertake performing, composing and musicology/aural activities during class time.
In Stage 5, students undertake term courses. Topics are varied and students focus on performing, composing, musicology and aural skills. Class performance activities include preparation and rehearsals for school concerts and events, group and ensemble tasks, composing integrating technology and arranging.
Jazz Improvisation
Baroque Music
Music Theatre
Rock Music
Popular Song Arrangements
Australian Music
Music of the Media
Stage 6
This is one of the most successful HSC courses at WHS with many students achieving band 5 and 6.
In Stage 6, year 11 and 12 courses offered are Music 1 and Music 2. Classes are scheduled during the normal timetable period. Students from these classes are regularly invited to perform at community and school events and concerts. Whilst Music 1 is a concept based course. Music 2 requires a solid background of study, highly developed reading and sight singing.
Methods of Notating Music
Music for Small Ensembles
Film Music
Rock Music
Popular Music
Music of the 20th and 21st Century
Jazz Music
Music for Small Ensembles
Extracurricular Activities
Ensembles on offer as part of our Extra-Curricular program in Performing Arts include:
Rock Band
Jazz Band
Vocal Ensemble
Samba Batucada Band
Instrumental and vocal lessons
Our Ensembles program is directed by teaching staff and rehearsals are held generally in the mornings before school or in the afternoon on completion of the school day. Band is held on Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
Other ensembles include the Vocal Ensemble and the Keyboard Ensemble (smaller special interest groups which meet once a week during lunch).
Windsor Onstage and Live Tunes are concerts that take place each year at Windsor High School, and students are selected to perform at these evenings. An annual HSC performance night also takes place in conjunction with a Visual Arts displays of major works.
Students are provided with regular opportunities to practice their craft through performance opportunities at community events such as Education Week, The Hawkesbury Musical Festival and The Hawkesbury Agricultural Show and Pulse.
Students are also regularly selected and invited to perform at assemblies and at Presentation Evening.
Generally, a musical production is held every second year, and a large cast, band and production team unite to present a series of shows including day time matinees.
All of our performance opportunities provide students with an opportunity to develop their self confidence, initiative, team work skills and leadership abilities, as well as an opportunity to enjoy the act of music making.
There are many opportunities for students to develop their knowledge and understanding of Music at WHS, dynamic and experienced teaching staff and a diverse, constantly changing teaching and learning program that is enriching and challenging.