This course focuses on Aboriginal peoples' relationship to the Land, Aboriginal heritage and identity, and an historical examination of colonialism, racism and prejudice from pre-contact times to the 1960s. The course also includes the development of skills in culturally appropriate research and inquiry methods. It involves case studies.
The HSC course provides for in depth study of legislation, policy, judicial processes and current events from the 1960s. During the course, students will undertake consultation with Aboriginal communities and will study the course through the experiences of national and international Indigenous communities. Students apply research and inquiry methods through the completion of a major project.
Preliminary Course Topics
- Part I: Aboriginality and the Land
- Part II: Heritage and Identity
- Part III: International Indigenous Community: Comparative Study
- Part IV: Research and Inquiry Methods: Local Community Case Study
HSC Course Topics
- Part I – Social Justice and Human Rights Issues
- Part II – Case Study of an Aboriginal community for each topic
- Part III – Research and Inquiry Methods – Major Project

The Preliminary course is structured to provide students with opportunities to investigate past people, groups, events, institutions, societies and historical sites from the sources available, by applying the methods used by historians and archaeologists.
The HSC course provides the opportunity for students to investigate in depth the range and nature of archaeological and written sources that provide evidence for a life in Pompeii and Herculaneum. They also study the key features and sources of an ancient society, historical period and ancient personality.
Preliminary Course Topics
- Part 1: Investigating the past: History, Archaeology and Science
- Part II: Studies of Ancient Societies, Sites and Sources
- Part III: Historical Investigation
HSC Course Topics
- Part I: Core Study: Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum
- Part II: ONE Ancient Society
- Part III: ONE Personality in their Times
- Part IV: ONE Historical Period
BUSINESS SERVICES (Vocational Education and Training Course)
The business services industry comprises small, medium and large enterprises including multinationals and franchises, with an estimated 87 percent small–medium enterprises. Business services underpin the work of organisations in all sectors of the economy from large commercial enterprises through to small not-for-profit organisations.
Organisations within the industry provide business-related services and professional assistance to other businesses, such as advertising, administrative services, recruitment and strategic and technical advice. Industry sectors include customer contact facilities (or call centres), data processing, human resources and staffing, legal services, marketing and advertising and management consulting.
The business services workforce is expected to continue to expand in coming years. The industry depends strongly on the quality of the people it employs to provide the services; with brand recognition and skills in customer service, leadership, communication and relationship management, managing diversity and technology critical for achieving a competitive edge.
The Business Services (120 indicative hours) course provides a pathway to the following qualifications:
Statement of Attainment towards:
The Business Services (240 indicative hours) course provides a pathway to the following qualifications:
Statement of Attainment towards:

Business activity is a feature of everyone's life. The Business Studies syllabus encompasses the theoretical and practical aspects of business in ways students will encounter throughout their lives. It offers learning from the planning of a small business to the management of operations, marketing, finance and human resource in large businesses.
Contemporary business issues and case studies are embedded in the course to provide a stimulating and relevant framework for students to apply to problems encountered in the business environment. Business Studies fosters intellectual, social and moral development by assisting students to think critically about the role of business and its ethical responsibilities to society.
Preliminary Course Topics:
- Nature of business – the role and nature of business
- Business management – the nature and responsibilities of management
- Business planning – establishing and planning a small to medium enterprise
HSC Course Topics:
- Operations – strategies for effective operations management
- Marketing – development and implementation of successful marketing strategies
- Finance – financial information in the planning and management of business
- Human resources – human resource management and business performance

This course investigates biophysical and human geography and develops students' knowledge and understanding about the spatial and ecological dimensions of geography. Enquiry methodologies are used to investigate the unique characteristics of our world through fieldwork, geographical skills and the study of contemporary geographical issues.
The HSC course enables students to appreciate geographical perspectives about the contemporary world. There are specific studies about biophysical and human processes, interactions and trends. Fieldwork and a variety of case studies combine with an assessment of the geographers' contribution to understanding our environment and demonstrates the relevance of geographical study.
Preliminary Course Topics
- Biophysical Interactions – how biophysical processes contribute to sustainable management.
- Global Challenges – geographical study of issues at a global scale.
- Senior Geography Project – a geographical study of student's own choosing.
HSC Course Topics
- Ecosystems at Risk – the functioning of ecosystems, their management and protection.
- Urban Places – study of cities and urban dynamics.
- People and Economic Activity – geographic study of economic activity in a local and global context.
This course develops students' knowledge and understanding of the nature and functions of law and law-making, the development of Australian and international legal systems, the Australian constitution and law reform. It examines an individual's rights and responsibilities, how disputes are resolved and examines a contemporary issue concerning the individual and technology. Students have the opportunity to investigate issues that illustrate how the law operates in practice. This is achieved by investigating, analysing and synthesising legal information and investigating legal issues from a variety of perspectives.
The HSC course investigates the key areas of law, justice and human rights through a variety of focus studies which consider how changes in societies influence law reform.
Preliminary Course Topics
- Part I – The Legal System
- Part II – The Individual and the Law
- Part III – The Law in Practice
The Law in Practice unit is designed to provide opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of the principles of law covered in the first sections of the course. This section may be integrated with Part I and Part II.
HSC Course Topics
- Core Part I: Crime
- Core Part II: Human Rights
- Part III: Two options from the following:
- Consumers
- Global environment and protection
- Family
- Indigenous peoples
- Shelter
- Workplace
- World order.

This course provides students with opportunities to develop and apply their understanding of methods and issues involved in the investigation of modern history. Students have the opportunity to engage in the study of a range of people, ideas, movements, events and developments that have shaped the modern world.
The Year 12 course provides students with opportunities to apply their understanding of sources and relevant issues in the investigation of the modern world. Through a core study, students investigate the nature of power and authority 1919–1946. They also study key features in the history of one nation, one study in peace and conflict and one study of change in the modern world.
Preliminary Course Topics:
- Investigating Modern History
- Historical Investigation
- The Shaping of the Modern World
HSC Course Topics:
- Core Study: Power and Authority in the Modern World 1919–1946
- ‘National Studies'
- ‘Peace and Conflict'
- ‘Change in the Modern World'
Society and Culture develops social and cultural literacy and a clear understanding of the interactions of persons, society, culture, environment and time, and how these shape human behaviour. The course draws on cross-disciplinary concepts and social research methods, and students undertake research in an area of particular interest to them. The research findings are presented for external assessment in the Personal Interest Project (PIP).
Preliminary Course Topics
- The Social and Cultural World – the interactions between persons and groups within societies
- Personal and Social Identity – socialisation and the development of personal and social identity in a variety of social and cultural settings
- Intercultural Communication – how people in different social, cultural and environmental settings behave, communicate and perceive the world around them
HSC Course Topics
- Social and Cultural Continuity and Change – the nature of social and cultural continuity and change as well as application of research methods and social theory to a selected country study
- The Personal Interest Project (PIP) – an individual research project
Depth Studies - Two to be chosen from:
- Popular Culture – the interconnection between popular culture, society and the individual
- Belief Systems and Ideologies – the relationship of belief systems and ideologies to culture and identity
- Social Inclusion and Exclusion – the nature of social inclusion and exclusion as well as implications for individuals and groups in societies and cultures
- Social Conformity and Nonconformity – the nature of conformity and nonconformity and its influences on the formation of peoples' attitudes and behaviours.
Work in all its forms – paid and unpaid – plays a central role in our lives. Technological, social and economic factors are rapidly changing the nature of work, the traditional patterns of work organisation and how individuals engage in work. The successful transition of students from school to the workforce and further education and training is essential for individuals and for society. Individuals will need to be flexible and responsive to change along their career pathway. Opportunities for workers to change jobs, develop new skills and to obtain new experiences will be part of the future world of work.
Module 1: In the Workplace
Module 2: Preparing Job Applications
Module 3:Workplace Communication
Module 4: Teamwork and Enterprise Skills
Module 5: Managing Work and Life Commitments
Module 6: Personal Finance
Module 7: Workplace Issues
Module 8: Self Employment
Module 9: Team Enterprise Project
Module10: Experiencing Work
Module 11: School-Developed Module