Windsor High School

Opportunity, Innovation, Success

Telephone02 4587 7122

ICAS Testing

ICAS testing banner


Windsor High School has adopted the world's leading assessment program, "ICAS".

ICAS is the most comprehensive educational assessment program available, and it will allow our students and school to be the best they can be.

Amongst the many assessments available, we have chosen ICAS because it offers:

  • The largest number of skill area assessments - English, Mathematics, Science and Digital Technologies
  • A reliable external benchmark backed by over 30 years' assessment expertise, used in over 20 countries
  • Detailed reports that allow us to target our teaching to address student weaknesses
  • Longitudinal data that allows us to track year-on-year progression and take our school forward.

ICAS will provide our school with powerful insights into:

  • Where individual students are succeeding and where they may need extra focus
  • Performances across year levels, classes and other subgroups
  • Strengths and weaknesses at a whole school, grade and class level
  • Student performance in comparison to peers nationally and internationally
  • Student development over time.

Participating in ICAS helps students:

  • Identify which skills are their strongest
  • Be aware of the skills they could work on in order to improve
  • Track progress over time
  • Understand how they compare with other students within their school and region
  • Gain valuable experience in taking international assessments
  • Understand why their teachers might be suggesting changes in the classroom to help everyone reach their full potential.


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