Windsor High School

Opportunity, Innovation, Success

Telephone02 4587 7122

Work Experience

Work Experience

Windsor High School conducts a continuous release Work Experience Program for Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students throughout Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. The employer and the student work together to determine the date/s for work experience. The flexibility of this program allows students to organise work experience at a time convenient with the participating employer. The days spent on the job can also be negotiated. Students can attend one day per week through to a full week or more. The experience can be tailored to achieve maximum benefit for the student.

Application Process

Process for applying and gaining Work Experience placement:

1.         Visit Mrs Thomas the Careers Adviser to obtain the required documents

2.         Approach employers and secure a work experience place.

3.         Ensure the Student Placement Record (SPR) is completed and signed by the employer, a                            parent/carer and the student. 

4.         Return completed Student Placement Record (SPR) to the Careers Adviser.


The Student Placement Record must be given to Mrs Thomas before the student can start their work experience.


Important: Students cannot go to Work Experience

•          During school holidays.

•          For Year 12: work experience cannot be completed once they have signed out.

•          One week prior to, or during exams.

•          In the Building and Construction Industry if they have not completed the General Construction Induction training, (also known as the White Card).


More information can be found in the following booklets:

Information For Parents (pdf 1049 KB)

Information for Parents


Additional Information (pdf 1106 KB)

Student Placcement Record